My Land

2016/ Video Loop/ 2mn


Mounir Gouri is a child of Duchamp. A Duchamp of the Desert, a sand dealer. This video is a passage, from sand to the nation, it is the wheel of time that composes the movements of the hands to sculpt an identity, the Algerian identity. An identity that can not do without this desert.

The Sahara is on the contrary the obstacle, it is the fluid flowing in our hands to unite us and trace our paths and our destiny ...

An ocean that separates the Maghreb from the rest of the African continent: this is how the Sahara was perceived from all time. Yet many roads traverse it through and through, from north to south, from east to west.

It contains regions that are among the most inhospitable of our land, but also centers of intense life. As if the sand that covers it far from constituting an obstacle was instead a fluid flowing in our hands to unite us. The desert, this Sahara receptacle of destinies is like our hands that close and also open on secret and mysterious lines of life. It is a space of circulation, of eternal paths. He is the only master of his destiny and no one else is the same as our hands, he has his own lines and they are unique.